Thursday, October 9, 2014

Vocab #1

Analogous Colors: Analogous colors are colors on the color wheel that are next to each other. Often one of these colors is a primary color.
Complementary Colors: These colors are exactly across from each other on the color wheel.

Primary Colors: There are three primary colors. these are the colors that when mixed in certain ways and in certain amount can create any other color.
Secondary Colors:These colors are the colors made up of two of the primary colors.
Tertiary Colors:These colors are made by mixing primary and secondary colors from next to each other.

 Asymmetry: This is when the two sides of something are not exactly the same. If you were to cut this image in half, then draw the exact thing from the uncut half, you would have a different image.
Symmetry: This is the opposite of asymmetry. If you were to cut this image in half and draw out a reflection of the uncut side, you would end up with the same image.


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